Once again, I can't say how thankful I am for great friends throwing me this awesome shower. Gary and I are also so BLESSED to have been showered with gifts for Cash. If Cash came tomorrow, I think we would have everything we needed! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cash's Shower!!!!
Woah! It's been a while since my last post! So sorry about that. This post is worth the wait though. My best friends, cousin, and my sister-in-law threw a shower for me this past Saturday. It. Was. Amazing! I literally drove away with tears in my eyes thinking about how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends and family. From the cute decor to the yummy food to the onesie decorating, this shower was SPECTACULAR. I loved every second of it. My best friend, Kari Beth threw the shower at her momma's house. It was the perfect location! There was plenty of room for all the guests, and the hostesses did an amazing job of decorating. I only wish I was that creative! Here I am with my sweet momma!
Look at all that delicious food! YUMMO!
Here I am with all my sweet hostesses! They did a GREAT job!!!
This was a gift that my MIL, Debbie made for Gary. It's a daddy duty tool belt! Super cute! It had some mountain dew (for those late nights), a gas mask (for stinky diapers), and lots of other funny things. What a great idea! Gary loved it!
We got so much stuff at our shower!!! This wasn't even all the gifts. I am sooo thankful! Cash is one loved and lucky little man!!!
The hostesses had a onesie craft table set up in one of the bedrooms. This was the coolest thing! Kari's husband, Aaron, had made a lot of cute patterns to choose from. The guests could pick a pattern and some fun fabric to put the pattern on. Once they cut the pattern out, they could just iron it onto the onesie! Kari is going to take the onesies to her work and sew around the patterns in fun thread. I can't wait to see the finished products!! Now, Cash has about 20 onesies made by family and friends!
Kari and Sarah thought they should get a gift for Gary too! They had told him they had a special gift for him, and he was so excited to find out what it was! Little did he know, it was a special something they picked up at the Goodwill! Here it is!
That's right! It's a denim cutoff onesie. Hilarious! I'm thinking next Halloween, Cash is going to be sporting this with a mullet wig. HAHAHAHAHAA!
Once again, I can't say how thankful I am for great friends throwing me this awesome shower. Gary and I are also so BLESSED to have been showered with gifts for Cash. If Cash came tomorrow, I think we would have everything we needed! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Once again, I can't say how thankful I am for great friends throwing me this awesome shower. Gary and I are also so BLESSED to have been showered with gifts for Cash. If Cash came tomorrow, I think we would have everything we needed! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Week/Weekend Recap
First and foremost, Bayleigh had her baby girl Wednesday!!! I was so excited to meet her! Her name is Ramey Taylor Jones and she is PRECIOUS! Bayleigh actually wasn't due until today, but Ramey decided to make her entrance into the world a week early. Bayleigh and Trent are thrilled and I know they are going be great parents to baby Ramey!
My Mom with Ramey.
Soooo sweet!

On Friday, Gary and I headed to Lake Ouachita to spend the weekend with his sister and brother-in-law and their sweet kiddos! We had a blast!
Gary always has such a good time with his nieces. He's going to be an awesome Daddy! Avery and Mackenzie LOVED tubing. Sadly, I had to opt out of this activity! :(
Mackenzie is getting sooo tall!
Look at this little fish! :)

I don't have much going on this week, and I'm going to try to enjoy the last two weeks of summer. I can't believe I'll be going back to work in 2 and a half weeks! Hopefully, it will fly by!!!
Gary always has such a good time with his nieces. He's going to be an awesome Daddy! Avery and Mackenzie LOVED tubing. Sadly, I had to opt out of this activity! :(

I don't have much going on this week, and I'm going to try to enjoy the last two weeks of summer. I can't believe I'll be going back to work in 2 and a half weeks! Hopefully, it will fly by!!!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Nesting Nesting Nesting!
I have been wanting to fix this spare bedroom up for a while. Now that I'm pregnant, this desire has really kicked in! I'm sure we'll have my mom or Gary's mom staying with us for a few days after baby Cash is born, and I wanted to make sure that room was cute and comfortable for them. It's only taken me 3 years to do it! HAHA!
I went to Rabbit's Lair in Rogers to find some fabric. I love that place. The ladies in there are so sweet and helpful. They also carry the cutest fabrics. The fabrics I ended up picking out are by Amy Butler. All of her designs are so fun and unique. It was really hard to pick some out since there were so many cute ones to choose from.
Here is a before picture of the room!
As you can see, it needed some major help! Tina didn't think so though. :) There is also a lot of paint stains on the wall from where Gary's old roommates that used to live here tried to cover up nail holes before they moved out. Gotta love them! They tried! The paint color just didn't quite match. I definitely didn't feel like repainting this room (I HATE PAINTING!), but I had some old frames that I was inspired by. I almost sold them in the garage sale, but I had a feeling I could use them. I was right!!! I decided I would paint them colors that coordinated with the pillows. Here's a before picture of the frames.

Once the pillows and frames were painted, it was time to put Gary to work. Zack just happened to be over today too, so he GOT to help! :) He's such a good sport. Here they are watching the soccer game. At least I waited until after the game to put them to work!
Off to work we go!

I'm getting excited!!!

The finished product!

I'm so happy with they way this turned out. Once again, my mom saved the day with her sewing skills! I've got to learn how to sew. Now I just need to find some curtains!
We got a new camera this weekend. We needed one so bad, especially since we have a little one on the way. We went with the Canon Rebel T3. I'm going to call and enroll in a month long class tomorrow to teach me how to use this thing since I'm completely clueless. Wish me luck!!!
I went to Rabbit's Lair in Rogers to find some fabric. I love that place. The ladies in there are so sweet and helpful. They also carry the cutest fabrics. The fabrics I ended up picking out are by Amy Butler. All of her designs are so fun and unique. It was really hard to pick some out since there were so many cute ones to choose from.
Here is a before picture of the room!
Once the pillows and frames were painted, it was time to put Gary to work. Zack just happened to be over today too, so he GOT to help! :) He's such a good sport. Here they are watching the soccer game. At least I waited until after the game to put them to work!
I'm getting excited!!!
The finished product!
We got a new camera this weekend. We needed one so bad, especially since we have a little one on the way. We went with the Canon Rebel T3. I'm going to call and enroll in a month long class tomorrow to teach me how to use this thing since I'm completely clueless. Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Nursery is Painted!
Sorry it's been a while since my last post. We've had a busy past few weeks! Last weekend, we had a garage sale. I was really nervous about not having a good turnout since it was the 4th of July weekend, but we had a ton of people! I have to post this one picture of a sweet boy who just had to have this painting that our good friend, Daniel Faires painted for us. This picture just cracks me up. I'm not sure why he's making this face, but he started smiling right after the picture was taken. HAHAHA! I'm cracking up just looking at it. This kid wanted this painting so bad! Daniel must have really inspired him!
Oh! I forgot to mention, our air conditioner went out Friday night (the night before our garage sale). Of course it didn't stop working until right after I crawled into bed exhausted. Right after I got in bed, I laid there thinking, "I think hot air is coming out of that vent." Gary confirmed my feelings, and I'm pretty sure I got about an hour of sleep that night. We had to get up at 6 Saturday morning for the garage sale, and 6 am couldn't come fast enough! My Dad's line of work deals with refrigeration, so as soon as that alarm clock went off, I was calling him! They came over and he fixed it! All it needed was a new motor. I LOVE that man! Do you know how much money that would have cost to have a service man come out on the 4th of July weekend to fix it?!?!?! I don't know for sure, but my Dad thought it would have cost us around $500! That. Is. Nuts!
The next day, Gary and I took whatever was left from our garage sale to Goodwill. Guess what's right next door to Goodwill? Sherwin Williams! They just happened to be having a 30% off sale on all their paints for the holiday weekend. Perfect timing! I literally could have spent a zillion hours inside debating paint colors and making myself sick. Fortunately, my sidekick Gary was with me and made me make a decision. We finally decided on a color called Tantalizing Teal. I. LOVE. IT! I can't wait to see what the bedding looks like with it! Here's some pics of us painting and the finished product!
Here I am being a giant nerd with my painting mask on! :)
Time to put the crib together!
Ahh! Finally, got it! It looks awesome!
It feels so good to have that room painted! Don't you just love that cream/yellowish chest??!?! Gary's parents didn't need it anymore so they handed it down to us! I think it looks awesome against that color. We are far from done, and our changing table hasn't come in yet so this isn't how the room will be arranged. I'm sure we'll switch it up several times before we make a final decision.
Yesterday, our glider came in. I had a really hard time deciding on the type/color of fabric to have it upholstered in. Imagine that?!!? We decided on a fabric color that was very close to the color of our couch. That way, we could have the chair in the living room after we used it in the nursery. I'm starting to think I might just keep it in the living room the whole time though. It seems like I will get more use out of it that way! Here she is!
We haven't even put it in the nursery yet! I'm sure it would look great in there, but I'm torn on where to put it. Can you imagine? Me??? Not being able to make a decision? Weird, right?
I bought this frame 3 years ago at a baby store that was closing. It was $10! That's an awesome price for that size frame. I just knew it would come in handy when I had a baby. I'm thinking of painting it, but not sure which colors. Once again, can't make a decision! Maybe cream, with gold streaks and knobs???
It's missing some of the wooden knobs, but they have those at Hobby Lobby. Hopefully, I'll get to painting that this week!
My MIL sent me a picture of this diaper bag last weekend when she was traveling. It's Petunia Pickle Bottom. I thought it looked super cute in the picture, but I hadn't seen it in person, so I wasn't sure. Well, my great friend, Ashley came over yesterday with her new baby Clay. She has the exact same diaper bag, and I. LOVE. IT! Here's a pic!

I love that it has a little changing pad that folds out. It was so handy when Ashley was changing Clay, who by the way is PRECIOUS! It made me want to have Cash today! She is such a good little Mommy to him!
Before I go, I have to mention my cousin Sherry. She was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago. She lives in Godfrey, IL which is just about 45 minutes from Gary's parents house in St. Charles. My mom and I drove to be with her during her surgery and then stayed with Gary's parents. She has been so upbeat and strong throughout this ordeal. Her surgery went really well, and the doctors felt like it hadn't spread to her lymph nodes yet. We'll have to wait a couple more days to get the results, but please keep her in your prayers! I also wanted to give a quick shout out to Gary's parents for letting us stay at their house this week! My mom and I loved spending time with you two!
That's all for now! I'm sure I'll be making another post soon about the nursery! :)
The next day, Gary and I took whatever was left from our garage sale to Goodwill. Guess what's right next door to Goodwill? Sherwin Williams! They just happened to be having a 30% off sale on all their paints for the holiday weekend. Perfect timing! I literally could have spent a zillion hours inside debating paint colors and making myself sick. Fortunately, my sidekick Gary was with me and made me make a decision. We finally decided on a color called Tantalizing Teal. I. LOVE. IT! I can't wait to see what the bedding looks like with it! Here's some pics of us painting and the finished product!
Yesterday, our glider came in. I had a really hard time deciding on the type/color of fabric to have it upholstered in. Imagine that?!!? We decided on a fabric color that was very close to the color of our couch. That way, we could have the chair in the living room after we used it in the nursery. I'm starting to think I might just keep it in the living room the whole time though. It seems like I will get more use out of it that way! Here she is!

I bought this frame 3 years ago at a baby store that was closing. It was $10! That's an awesome price for that size frame. I just knew it would come in handy when I had a baby. I'm thinking of painting it, but not sure which colors. Once again, can't make a decision! Maybe cream, with gold streaks and knobs???
My MIL sent me a picture of this diaper bag last weekend when she was traveling. It's Petunia Pickle Bottom. I thought it looked super cute in the picture, but I hadn't seen it in person, so I wasn't sure. Well, my great friend, Ashley came over yesterday with her new baby Clay. She has the exact same diaper bag, and I. LOVE. IT! Here's a pic!
I love that it has a little changing pad that folds out. It was so handy when Ashley was changing Clay, who by the way is PRECIOUS! It made me want to have Cash today! She is such a good little Mommy to him!
That's all for now! I'm sure I'll be making another post soon about the nursery! :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Nursery Bedding! FINALLY!!!!
Ok! I finally ordered bedding for Cash's room! I was getting so burned out on looking at crib bedding, and Gary finally told me I had to make a decision by Sunday night because I was about to drive him nuts! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It's like that was what was holding me back from doing anything else in the nursery. Now we can finally start painting, decorating, and I can register! I hope to have everything done by the end of July! We'll see though. Here's a picture of the bedding. I ended up ordering it from Etsy from Baby Lovin. My set is going to look a little different from the one in the picture. The inside of the bumper is going to be a solid white and the sheet will be white. The crib blanket will also be white on the opposite side of the yellow blanket.
I'm still not sure what color I want to paint the walls, but I'm leaning towards an aqua or turqouise?!?! Is that too crazy? I hope everyone likes the bedding! I found these cute prints that I thought would look neat hanging above his crib or changing table on Etsy too.
I really just put this one on the blog because I like this turqouise color. Oh....and how can you not love that sweet little bird family?!?! Maybe something like this for the color of his walls?!?! Thoughts?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Birthday, DIY, Bargian Shopping, and More Nursery Ideas!
Here are a few more bedding options I found on Etsy. These are all from Cottage Belles. There's so many options!

This one might be a little too girly! :(

My friend Kari Beth sent me this picture today. What an awesome idea!!! I love that chevron wall, but I bet it took FOREVER!!!
The store that we bought our baby furniture had this bedding set in the crib we bought. I thought it was cute!

Yesterday was my birthday. Gary had told me he couldn't get away from work for lunch because he had to do a work thing. I was bummed, but I planned on meeting my grandma, cousin, aunt, and uncle at Susan's for brunch. Well as we were all sitting down, guess who walks through the door!?!? GARY! I was so excited he had gotten away to have lunch with us. It was a nice surprise. He's so sneaky! Afterwards, I went shopping and got a pedicure. That night, Gary and I ate at Bonefish. We never go there, so it was nice to go somewhere different. Afterwards, we did some grocery shopping at Target. WOO HOO! I had a great day, but I have to say it wasn't the same without my Mom being here. Her and my Dad went to Mexico this week, but they're getting back tonight! This past week has made me appreciate her even more than I already do. I'm such a momma's girl! I can't wait for them to get back! I don't know what I'd do without her.
My cousin is getting married this weekend, and she's also having a baby in July! I'm so excited for her! We are having her baby shower next weekend, so I've been working on some tissue balls (not sure if that's what they're really called) for her shower. I had never made these before, but they were super easy and CHEAP! I think it cost me a total of $6.00 to make all five. Here's a picture of the finished products.
My friend Hayley and I went to a sale that happens every year around this time. It's got the cutest refinished frames, furniture, and other home decor. I picked up this end table for a mere $38.00! It's so cute!
Well, that's all for now. We leave for the Destin on Saturday, and I'm SOOOOO ready! I can't wait to hang out on the beach all day. Pictures to come soon! :)
My friend Kari Beth sent me this picture today. What an awesome idea!!! I love that chevron wall, but I bet it took FOREVER!!!
Yesterday was my birthday. Gary had told me he couldn't get away from work for lunch because he had to do a work thing. I was bummed, but I planned on meeting my grandma, cousin, aunt, and uncle at Susan's for brunch. Well as we were all sitting down, guess who walks through the door!?!? GARY! I was so excited he had gotten away to have lunch with us. It was a nice surprise. He's so sneaky! Afterwards, I went shopping and got a pedicure. That night, Gary and I ate at Bonefish. We never go there, so it was nice to go somewhere different. Afterwards, we did some grocery shopping at Target. WOO HOO! I had a great day, but I have to say it wasn't the same without my Mom being here. Her and my Dad went to Mexico this week, but they're getting back tonight! This past week has made me appreciate her even more than I already do. I'm such a momma's girl! I can't wait for them to get back! I don't know what I'd do without her.
My cousin is getting married this weekend, and she's also having a baby in July! I'm so excited for her! We are having her baby shower next weekend, so I've been working on some tissue balls (not sure if that's what they're really called) for her shower. I had never made these before, but they were super easy and CHEAP! I think it cost me a total of $6.00 to make all five. Here's a picture of the finished products.
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